Monday, January 17, 2011

Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head's Epic Battle: Dinosaurs vs. Robots

Sean and I had our first serious argument as a married couple yesterday.

We were in line to check-out at IKEA, and, of course, had chosen the line with the slowest cashier in the entire store.  Just our luck.  Sean, who had been sick all weekend, was getting cantankerous because his medicine was wearing off and his cough was coming back in full force.  In addition, I was hungry because I hadn't eaten lunch, and it was now 3:16 p.m.  As part of my heritage as a female in my family, when I get hungry, I get extremely grouchy until I get food into my system.  These were the conditions of our first fight.

The argument started innocently enough when I came up with a brilliant idea.

Sarah:  "I have a proclamation!  A long, long, long, long time from now, if we have a son, we should design his room with a dinosaur theme."

Sean:  "Not robots?"

And so it began.

Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, who took an extended vacation after their debut in our Wedding Thank You's album ( agreed to act it out for us.  

Mrs. Potato Head has chosen her weapons:
A ray gun and a potato masher (convenient since she's fighting a fellow spud)

Sarah:  "No, dinosaurs!  Not robots.  Dinosaurs are so cool, and what little boy doesn't love dinosaurs?  It would be so cute!"

Mr. Potato Head chose his trusty Lightsaber
and Darth Tater costume

Sean: "What little boy doesn't love robots?"

Two 'taters, sizing each other up

Sarah:  "All little boys love dinosaurs because dinosaurs are better than robots!  How many boys have the names of all robots memorized?"

Dinosaurs are clearly winning

Sean:  "Robots are awesome!  I love robots."

Robots have the upper Lightsaber

Sarah:  "No, dinosaurs!"

Sean:  "You don't want to promote engineering to our future son?"  

Sarah:  "No, I want to promote science."

Sean:  "Wait, engineering is science!"

Sarah:  "Okay, I have a compromise.  What if we have dinosaurs evolving into robots as you go around the room!?!"

Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head agree to a truce...For now

Sean:  "That is a brilliant idea.  I am so glad you are my wife.  You are so perfect, great, and wonderful.  Everything you say is right."  (Sean says he doesn't remember saying this, but remember, he was sick.)

And so our first argument as a newlywed couple ended.

1 comment:

  1. I love your new header! So clever! How did you make it?
